International Social Work with Refugees and Migrants

Master International Social Work with Refugees and Migrants

Please click here for information about how to apply

The master’s programme "International Social Work with Refugees and Migrants (MRM)" is an application-oriented and, in terms of content and sharing, internationally oriented English-language degree programme.

It is aimed at potential students who want to make a contribution through academic application-oriented qualification in the field of Social Work, in order to

  • within the national context, support and empower refugees and immigrants, as well as to foster their integration into the host society and the reduction of barriers for migrants in standard services and general administration; this is especially aimed at winning foreign experts and their respective linguistic, cultural, and religious backgrounds for international and German Social Work;
  • within the European and international context, take on and organize human rights oriented assistance for refugees in hotspot asylum centers of the European Union or UNHCR refugee camps in regions of origin and transit to ensure orderly access to the protection of refugees and to give a perspective to the people affected within such facilities.

The programme provides professional, social and profession-related competences for the field of action of Social Work with migrants and refugees in the international and national context. Based on empirical findings and theoretical references, students are qualified in intercultural, legal, educational and psychological terms to develop and implement solution-oriented courses of action for the special situation of refugees and migrants. They will be able to operate in the area of policies of local as well as international actors. The professional grasp of Social Work in the context of migration will thus be further developed.

Due to its international orientation and cooperation with universities abroad, this THWS master’s programme fosters human and professional exchange with countries of origin and transit regions and thus qualifies also for work on site and in the international context. Two first university collaborations for studying abroad in the second semester have already been established. One founded with the German-Jordanian University (GJU) in Amman/Jordan and another with the University in Palermo/Italy. Against the background of the geographical and political situation of the countries, as well as the large number of refugees, the correspondingly planned course content can be conveyed in a targeted, application-oriented manner. In addition, there are project collaborations with other universities and countries, which are continuously developed.


For first information and general inquiries, please write an e-mail to mrminfo.fas[at]

Programme Director:
Prof. Dr. Tanja Kleibl