Why this Research Project?

Behavior Based Safety (BBS) is considered to be the most well researched and effective method for changing behavior in the field of occupational safety. With the implementation of this project, not only the research on BBS was extended to the field of occupational safety behavior among rescue workers of the DRK, but also an implementable method based on the principles of BBS has been developed in two designated rescue stations of the DRK - Region Hannover e.V., which will permanently improve the occupational safety of employees in the rescue service.

Since the tasks of rescue workers are extremely risky and involve an increased risk of injury, the ultimate aim of this project was to reduce the number of injuries and occupational accidents in the rescue sector long term. 

The project had the following main objectives:

  • Analysis of the working conditions of rescue workers with regard to favoring and obstructive factors concerning safe behavior at work.
  • Transfer of BBS methods to the work of paramedics.
  • Development of an intervention based on BBS that can be implemented at the level of rescue stations to strengthen safe-work behavior.
  • Support the UVB in disseminating this intervention in the context of prevention work at the DRK.