Application Procedure
If you acquired your higher education qualification and your bachelor’s degree in Germany, you can apply for the master’s in International Social Work with Refugees and Migrants via the THWS Campus Portal. Please note the information given under the heading “Procedure for applicants with German certificates/degrees” below.
If you acquired your higher education qualification and your bachelor’s degree outside Germany, you have to apply for the master’s in International Social Work with Refugees and Migrants via the THWS Campus Portal AND via Uni-Assist. Please note the information given under the heading “Procedure for applicants with non-German certificates/degrees” below.
For more information on how to apply for a degree programme at the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt and the specific process in the online application portal APPLY, please visit the website of the Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
Application Form
The application form is available as a pdf-file or a word-file. Please note that the completed form needs to be uploaded in the THWS Campus Portal. Please see below for further information regarding the application procedure and the necessary documents.
Application Period
- Expected start of applications: 15 October 2025
- Expected end of applications: 15 December 2025
Language Requirements
- Proof of English proficiency (B2) is required.
- You should master the level A2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
- Proof of German language proficiency can be submitted until the end of the 2nd semester.
More information can be found under Language.
Please note!
Apply as soon as possible, especially if you are from abroad. The Uni-Assist process may take up to six weeks. Without the Preliminary Review Documentation (Vorprüfungsdokumentation VPD) by Uni-Assist, applications by internationals are not complete and the application cannot be finalized and processed! In addition to the time that must be planned for the application procedure, international students should urgently allow enough time for visa matters and the move to Germany!
Your application will be processed with the information given online (i.e. without further inquiry). Due to this, we kindly ask you to check your application before submitting it; if there is information missing or wrong information given, admission can be withdrawn.
Procedure for applicants with non-German certificates/degrees
If you acquired your higher education qualification and your bachelor’s degree outside Germany, you will find all important information about the application procedure on the website of THWS International.
Please read the instructions on the website of the International Office in the section for “Applicants with other university entrance qualifications” carefully and follow step 1 and step 2!
List of required documents:
Completed, signed and scanned application form (download see above)
School leaving certificate and degree certificate (If your certificates are not in German or English, you will need a certified translation of these documents into German or English)
Result of the preliminary review documentation (VPD) by Uni-Assist
Passport or ID card
Proof of language proficiency (see under Language) for English and German
A CV listing all trainings/degrees/acquired qualifications sorted by dates
THWS Application Portal and Uni-Assist
You can apply for your preliminary review documentation (VPD) at Uni-Assist and complete your THWS online application for the master’s programme at the same time. As soon as you received your VPD, please upload it to the THWS Application Portal. Your application will not be complete until the document has been received.
Decision about your application
After your complete application has been received and reviewed, you will receive a response via the application portal. If you have been admitted, the letter of admission will be available to you for download in APPLY. The notification will not be sent by e-mail or post.
If you are admitted to studies at THWS and want to accept your place (button: "Enrol"), please follow the instructions for accepting the place as well as enrolling for the degree programme (steps 6 and 7) on the website of the Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
Procedure for applicants with German certificates/degrees
Step 1 - online application
- Fill out the application form (download see above)
- Please apply online via the FHWS Application Portal
- Follow the given instructions
- During the process, please upload the following documents as PDF files: School leaving and degree certificates; identification card (ID); a CV listing all trainings/degrees/acquired qualifications sorted by dates
Step 2 - having received an answer to your application
After your complete application has been received and reviewed, you will receive a response via the application portal. If you have been admitted, the letter of admission will be available to you for download in APPLY. The notification will not be sent by e-mail or post.
If you are admitted to studies at FHWS and want to accept your place (button: "Enrol"), please follow the instructions for accepting the place as well as enrolling for the degree programme (steps 6 and 7) on the website of the Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
Information regarding accessibility:
The PDF files available on this page are not fully accessible. Please contact the faculty dean’s office for support.