International Social Work with Refugees and Migrants

Costs and Student Contribution

Information about costs during studies

Semester fees

The master’s programme International Social Work with Refugees and Migrants is a consecutive degree programme and thus free; no tuition fees are applied.

However, students at THWS have to pay a semester fee at the time of enrolment and for every re-enrolment of subsequent semesters.


In Würzburg, the semester fee for the winter semester 2023/24 (and each subsequent semester until further notice) is € 156.00; the fee includes

a.) the fee for the Studentenwerk (Jointly paid contributions from students are used for offering several services to students by the Studentenwerk such as building and maintaining student residences, operating canteens and cafeterias.) 

b.) the semester ticket for free public transport in the city and vicinity of Würzburg.


Other costs

Costs that arise in the course of studies in the context of internships or stays abroad are to be borne by the students themselves.

This includes, in particular, possible costs incurred within the framework of module 5.2 Social Work with Refugees and Migrants in the Area of Origin and Transit Countries, which - as far as possible - is carried out during a three-week Summer or Winter School in a region of origin, transit or destination. In this case, the costs for flight, accommodation, etc. have to be borne by the students. The university will make every effort to acquire funding and to keep the costs for participation in a Summer or Winter School as low as possible. Nevertheless, a student contribution of up to 1.400 € may be required for participation. Please note that participation in a Summer or Winter School is mandatory for all students.

Students who think about spending their 2nd semester by studying abroad should be aware that in addition to the living costs abroad also travel costs and accommodation will have to be paid for. However, there are no tuition fees at the German Jordanian University Amman.

Our Faculty seeks funding options for internships as well as for possible studies abroad during the 2nd semester; however, we cannot assume responsibility for any financial support.