International Social Work with Refugees and Migrants

Colonial Continuities & Migration - Panel Discussion: "Exploitation, Forced Displacement and Resistance"

Tue, 21 May 2024 |, Events & Dates

This event will give space for convivial voices of stakeholders against colonial continuities to critically scrutinize current debates on development and migration. It will be a dialogue between speakers from countries affected by multiple political and environmental crises and Eurocentric understandings of development and forced migration (the Global South) and those countries that are preserved or benefiting from these (the Global North). They are part of academic debates, social movements, and transformative practices in the field of resistant and resilient social and educational work that aim to move away from the continuities of colonialism and historical legacies associated with various assumptions of development and contemporary refugee movements.Together, we want to overcome the dominant Western narratives about development, migration, and humanitarianism by applying postcolonial and decolonial critiques.

The event will take place in Würzburg on May, 30, 2024 as well as in Munich on June, 6, 2024. Participation in both events is free of charge.

Please find more information about the program and how to register for the event in Würzburg in the event flyer available for download here.

Please find more information about the program in Munich in the event flyer available for download here.

The events are organized in cooperation of Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt (thws), Misotran, Akademie Frankenwarte e.V., Dritte Welt Zentrum München e.V., and Bischöfliches Hilfswerk Misereor.

UPDATE (11/06/2024): The recording of the event in Würzburg is now available for download and can be watched here.