International Social Work with Refugees and Migrants

Summer School Greece: Symposium "Global Migration & Civil Society during Crisis in Capitalist Economies: Criminalization, Human Rights and Resistance"

Thu, 29 Sep 2022 |
As part of the Summer School Greece, which is currently taking place on the island of Lesbos as a cooperation between the FHWS and the University of the Aegean, a symposium with the title "Global Migration & Civil Society during Crisis in Capitalist Economies: Criminalization, Human Rights and Resistance" is coming up on Monday, 3rd October 2022. Please find the flyer and more information below.

Students from the Master program "International Social Work with Refugees and Migrants" at the FHWS are currently on Lesbos in the context of the Summer School Greece to learn more about the current and past situation of refugees and NGOs at the European border.

As part of this, the symposium "Global Migration & Civil Society during Crisis in Capitalist Economies: Criminalization, Human Rights and Resistance" with several speakers and space for discussions will take place on Monday, 3rd October 2022. Please find the full programme following this link.