International Social Work with Refugees and Migrants

Buchveröffentlichung "International Social Work and Forced Migration - Developments in African, Arab and European Countries"

05.05.2021 |

Die 1. Edition des Buches "International Social Work and Forced Migration - Developments in African, Arab and European Countries" von Ralf Roßkopf, Katharina Heilmann (Hrsg.) wurde als Ergebnis einer FHWS-Initiative in Zusammenarbeit mit vielen Expertinnen und Experten aus dem Bereich der Internationalen Sozialen Arbeit veröffentlicht.

Für Studierende der FHWS ist es jetzt vollständig online über die FHWS-Bibliothek zugänglich (ISBN: 978-3-8474-2288-4).

"The book focuses on Social Work with refugees in African, Middle East and European countries. Published as a follow-up to the ‘International Social Work Week’ in Würzburg/Germany with professionals and experts from all over the globe, this book intends to share insights into country-specific developments, challenges and potentials of Social Work in forced migration contexts. The objectives are to map Social Work in this field of action across several countries, to bring into sharper focus an International Social Work in forced migration contexts as well as to contribute in connecting Social Work scholars and experts around the globe."