
We strongly recommend to fly in to Frankfurt International Airport (FRA). This is the most convenient airport for Würzburg. You should continue your journey by train. There's a station for long-distance trains inside of the airport. You can reach Würzburg from this train station directly, without changing trains.

When arriving at Frankfurt International Airport (FRA):

After Border Control, Baggage Claim and Customs, follow the signs to “Bahnhöfe” (train stations), “Fernbahnhof” (long distance trains), “Gleis (tracks) 4-7”. Fast trains to Würzburg usually start from platform 4 or 5, every hour.

The passage through Frankfurt International Airport can be complicated and lengthy. Watch for the signs. From gate to track it’s several stairs up and down. Plan about 60 minutes from landing to train departure.

Würzburg is connected to the German Railroad’s (Deutsche Bahn) system of fast trains (Intercity Express, ICE). Trains from all directions arrive several times per hour. For journey planner and ticketing use Deutsche Bahn’s website.

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Würzburg is connected with several motorways (“Autobahn”):

A3 from Frankfurt to Munich (northwest to southeast)

A7 from Hannover, Kassel to Ulm (north to south)

A81 from Stuttgart to Würzburg

We advise you to travel to Würzburg by plane (via Frankfurt International Airport, FRA) and by train. You won’t need a car in Würzburg, unless you plan to travel to rural regions of Germany afterwards (many major car rental companies have offices in Würzburg).



From the train station (Würzburg Hauptbahnhof), please use the tramway (Straßenbahn) – or go by foot (1.8 km to venue at Münzstraße 12). When leaving the train station, you’ll see a lawn with a fountain. On the right side of this lawn is the tramway station “Hauptbahnhof Würzburg West”. You can take any tramline (except line "4/Zellerau").  The tramway departs every 5-10 minutes. The station next to the venue is “Sanderring”.

For planning your route you can use "Bavaria's Travel Planer".
(please type in as Location: "Wuerzburg" and then choose the appropriate tramway station, e.g. "Würzburg Hbf", i.e. Würzburg Central Station)

It is also available as smartphone app.