General information

Spending a semester abroad is for many students the absolute highlight of their studies and needs to be well planned in any case. Therefore, you should familiarize yourself with the challenges of studying abroad at an early stage and consider the following points, among others, when selecting the host country and the host university:

  • What is the language of instruction at my desired university and do I have sufficient command of this language?
  • Am I able to finance the semester abroad?
  • What will happen to my apartment while I spend a semester abroad?
  • Do I have the other formalities (e.g. health insurance; re-registration at the THWS) in mind?
  • Does my private situation allow me to spend a semester abroad?
  • Can I continue my studies seamlessly after I spend a semester abroad? (in particular: Have I reached the required 90 CP at the beginning of the internship semester? Can I - if I go abroad after the internship semester - attend the specialization modules I and II in reverse order?)

Selection of the host country: Different countries, different customs. This is especially true for the educational systems. Useful information on the different education systems can be found, for example, at the DAAD's country information.

Selection of the host university: We recommend that you take an intense look at the host universities that come into consideration at an early stage. Pay attention not only to the location and the external conditions (e.g. big city vs. rural area), but also familiarize yourself with the offered study programs at an early stage. In doing so, you should ask yourself the following questions, among others:
  • Does the university offer in the desired semester courses in a language you speak very well?
  • Is there (especially for the students of Social Work) a specific course offering at all and to which faculty is it affiliated?

Counseling and contact

Information events and consultation hour for studying abroad: During the lecture period, there are usually several information events with the faculty's international representative (Prof. Dr. Christoph Bördlein). Furthermore, you can make an appointment with the faculty’s international representative at any time - individually or as a group. To contact him, please write an e-mail to Prof. Dr. Christoph Bördlein.

Information from the International Office: Further information on studying abroad - in particular with regard to the procedure, financing and formalities to be observed - can be obtained from the International Office.

Advice and contact

Information events and consultation hours abroad: During the lecture period, there are usually several information events with the faculty's international representative (Prof. Dr. Christoph Bördlein). Furthermore, you can make an appointment with the faculty's international representative at any time - individually or as a group. To contact him, please write an e-mail to Prof. Dr. Christoph Bördlein.

Information from the International Office: Further information on studying abroad - in particular with regard to the procedure, financing and formalities to be observed - can be obtained from the International Office.