Titelbild mit Studierenden der Fachhochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Würzburg-Schweinfurt

Master International Social Work with Refugees and Migrants - apply until 15.01.2022

05.01.2022 | fas.fhws.de, Aktuelles
No plans for the summer yet? Do a Master's degree! The application period for the Master of International Social Work with Refugees and Migrants (MRM) at the FHWS is currently open.

What’s special about this course?

Due to its international orientation and cooperation with universities abroad, this FHWS master’s programme fosters human and professional exchange with countries of origin and transit regions and thus qualifies also for work on site and in the international context.

What does the Master's programme look like?

The course "International Social Work with Refugees and Migrants (MRM)" is an application-oriented and, in terms of content and sharing, internationally oriented English-language degree programme. It consists of six areas of study which will turn the students’ focus to the international level of social work, sensitise them for the work with refugees and migrants, and teach them practice-oriented methodological and decision-making competences. Within the fifth area of study "Exploring the field", students learn the language of a typical region of origin or transit and have the opportunity to study abroad or do an internship abroad for one semester, preferably in a region of origin or transit.

You want more information about the MRM? Check the MRM programme’s webpage!

You want to do a Master's degree, but are not sure about the MRM? Take a look at our other Master's programmes then!

You can apply until 15.01.2022 via the FHWS application portal.